Play a Role
The best part of community theater: it provides a place for everyone to be a part of something bigger than themselves. On stage, behind the scenes, or in the audience, HCT is a place where everybody can PLAY A ROLE.
On Stage
Being part of an HCT production is an experience that you will never forget! We would love to see you at an audition for an upcoming show.
Join our email list and mark the option for Audition Notices to be one of the first to learn about our next audition opportunities.
Direct a Show
Our season planning begins in fall with asking for show proposals from Directors. We pride ourselves on attracting both seasoned HCT volunteer directors as well as newcomers from all over the Indianapolis theatre scene. If you would like to direct an HCT show, complete the following application to let us know. You can suggest musicals or plays, or either!
The deadline is Fri, October 25, 2024 for the 2025-2026 season. Submissions can be completed at any time during the year and held until the next season consideration.
Volunteering in theatre is more than building sets, gathering props, or sewing costumes. We also need those who can create Facebook posts, take pictures, plan events, or help kids backstage. Not all roles require special talent or skill – just a desire to contribute!
Click the link below to complete a short survey of what areas you might be interested in and we’ll contact you.
Patron Memberships
Patron Memberships is the seed that allows us to bring excellence in theatre to our community. It is the foundation that allows us to buy scripts, build sets, and gather props and costumes. And membership comes with these great benefits:
- Name in program (all levels)
- Invitation to the annual meeting (all levels)
- Complimentary tickets ($100 and higher)
Show Sponsors
Designed for business and corporations who value the arts and would like exposure to our audiences, there is a level of Show Sponsorship for any kind of business, whether you are a small start-up or a larger corporation.
Creative Sponsors
An opportunity for individual donors at Hendricks Civic Theatre. It allows donors to choose an actor, designer, or other need like costumes or props, and back their involvement in a show. Creative Sponsorship comes with a lot of great perks that aren’t available to patrons, including complimentary tickets, reserved seating, and drinks with your sponsored individual after a show!
Want to know more?
To discuss any of these levels of sponsorship and learn more about the advantages of Show or Creative Sponsorship, please contact our Sponsorship Coordinator, Karla Janning by email, phone (317-727-0767), or visit our donation/sponsorship link.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Throughout the years, generous corporate sponsors have been instrumental in the life and growth of HCT. Simply put, corporate sponsorship makes everything we do possible, and is instrumental in keeping the rich HCT tradition alive. Corporate sponsors play a vital role with HCT by making it possible for everyone else to play their role as well. Thank you for considering a contribution to Hendricks Civic Theatre.

4498 North County Road
100 East Danville, IN 46122
PHONE: 317-943-3126